This issue looks at Israel’s latest concession and her response to the Turkish earthquake, UNESCO’s steps toward Palestinian membership, U.S. courts’ bending to Shariah, the Obama administration’s disconnect between Islam and terrorism, new threats in Iraq and Libya, and the increase in terrorist websites.


Israel Reverses Position on Border Proposal
Jerusalem Prayer team reports: The government of my dear friend Prime Minister Netanyahu has been under incredible pressure from the Obama Administration to make concessions to the Palestinians in the name of peace. I was greatly troubled to read the news that Israel has reversed its position and has agreed to present a border proposal to the Quartet for Middle East Peace. I know Mr. Netanyahu is committed to defending Israel and retaining control of Jerusalem, but his hand may have been forced by threats-both specific and implied-from the United States. They are being forced to make concessions even in advance of any future negotiations that may take place. Any sign of weakness will be seized on by Israel’s enemies.
Israel Sends Mobile Homes to Turkish Quake Victims
The Israel Project reports: Jerusalem, Oct 26 – Israel dispatches a first set of mobile homes to eastern Turkey on Wednesday. Israel offered the help within hours of Sunday’s 7.2-magnitude earthquake. Initially, Turkey said it would try to handle the disaster alone but turned to other nations once the magnitude of the disaster became clear. The official death toll is already close to 500 and is expected to rise significantly as the chances of finding many more survivors diminish. Read more.
UNESCO to Vote Full Membership for Palestine
The Israel Project reports: Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) is expected to vote to accept Palestine as a full member. Under legislation passed by Congress 15 years ago, this will trigger an automatic cutoff of U.S. funding, wreaking havoc with many of the agency’s programs. The United States funds around 22 percent of the UNESCO budget – around $70 million a year. So far, the Palestinians have refused to step back. They hope to have holy sites, like the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, Joseph’s tomb in Nablus and Rachel’s tomb in Bethlehem, declared as wholly Palestinian heritage sites. It is all part of their campaign to erase the historical Jewish bond to the Land of Israel.


Shariah Law Being Used in U.S. Courts to Decide Cases
WorldNetDaily reports: Islamic law, or Shariah, already is being applied in the U.S. court system, according to an extensive new report. A recent Center for Security Policy study called “Shariah Law and American State Courts: An Assessment of State Appellate Court Cases” outlines dozens of cases in which the Islamic system of law has been applied. Center spokesman David Reaboi said the Islamic strictures are being carried out mostly in cases in which foreigners are the principals. “Shariah enters U.S. courts through the practice of comity to foreign law,” Reaboi explained. “This happens, for example, when a judge decides to allow the use of say, Pakistani or Saudi family law (Shariah) in a dispute between Pakistanis or Saudis.” He said the study only scratches the surface of Shariah’s presence in the nation. Read more.
Obama Admin Removes References of Islam from Terror Training Materials
Vision to America reports: Deputy U.S. Attorney General James Cole confirmed on Wednesday that the Obama administration was pulling back all training materials used for the law enforcement and national security communities, in order to eliminate all references to Islam that some Muslim groups have claimed are offensive. “I recently directed all components of the Department of Justice to re-evaluate their training efforts in a range of areas, from community outreach to national security,” Cole told a panel at the George Washington University law school.
Ahmadinejad says Tehran “deepening our ties” with Iraq as U.S. prepares to pull out; Libya to introduce radical Islamic law.
Joel Rosenberg reports: The Iran threat and tensions in the Middle East and North Africa are dominating international headlines — and the situation seems to be worsening by the day. On Saturday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told CNN: “The United States has become weaker and weaker. Now they are hated in the region.” He also said that Tehran has “a very good relationship” with Iraq’s government, and said the relationship will continue to grow. “We have deepened our ties [with Iran] day by day.” On Sunday afternoon, the Drudge Report ran a banner headline: “IRAN WARNING.” The headline linked to a story by the Associated Press with this headline: “Clinton to Iran: Don’t misread departure from Iraq.” By Sunday evening, Drudge had replaced this with a new banner headline: “NEW LIBYA TO INTRODUCE ‘RADICAL ISLAMIC LAW.'” The headline linked to a story in the London Telegraph with this headline: “Libya’s liberation: interim ruler unveils more radical than expected plans for Islamic law.”
Increase in Number of Terrorist Websites
Act for America reports: The Politico story below shows that the number of Islamic terrorist websites has grown from 12 in 1998 to nearly 7,000 in 2009, and that number is likely higher today. Yes, this reflects the explosion in internet usage since 1998. But it also reveals something else-how Islamists are aggressively using the internet to drive the ideology of jihad.


Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing.