This issue looks at Israel’s latest responses to the Iranian threat, the blatent lies about Islam in American textbooks, and yet another funding cut over Bible reading.


Israel’s Response to the Iranian Threat
Jerusalem Prayer Team reports: Israel’s President Shimon Peres, long viewed as opposing war with Iran, now says the time for diplomacy is “nearly over.” Following the International Atomic Energy Agency’s report detailing the scope and purpose of Iran’s nuclear program, Peres told Israeli reporters, “It seems Iran is moving closer to having a nuclear weapon. In the time that remains, we need to turn to the nations of the world and tell them that the time has come to fulfill their promise and their responsibility, which is about more than imposing sanctions. We must do what should be done to stop Iran.”

These words reinforce the belief among most analysts that Israel is in the final stages of preparing to take whatever steps are necessary to prevent Iran from completing work on its atomic weapons program. If and when war comes, the consequences to the Jewish people will be dire-but the consequences of doing nothing would be even worse.
More than 40% of the world’s oil travels through the Persian Gulf and the narrow Straits of Hormuz. Now Iran has threatened to close the gulf to all shipping if its nuclear weapons program is attacked. Retired CIA analyst Larry Johnson says Iran has the military capacity to make good on its threats. He said that Iran could close the gulf for a week or more…perhaps even a month, which would disrupt the entire world’s economy.


Textbooks Full of Lies about Islam
Eighteen months ago, Act for America launched an in-depth analysis of thirty-eight 6th through 12th grade textbooks, to see how they treated the subject of Islam. The research has been completed, and what they have found will shock you. The historical falsehoods, bias and other misrepresentations of Islam in these textbooks are egregious and persistent. Here’s a small sample of what they found.
“In Medina, Muhammad displayed impressive leadership skills. He fashioned an agreement that joined his own people with the Arabs and Jews of Medina as a single community. These groups accepted Muhammad as a political leader. As a religious leader, he drew many more converts, who found his message appealing.” McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin, World History – Patterns of Interaction, 2007, p.265.
This is patently false. The Jews of Medina rejected Muhammad as a prophet, and as a result he drove two of the Jewish tribes out of Medina and exterminated the third one.
“Shari’a law requires Muslim leaders to extend religious tolerance to Christians and Jews.” McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin, World History – Patterns of Interaction, 2007, p.268.
This is so preposterous, so lacking historical justification or support within sharia law, one wonders how it ever got into a textbook.
“The Eastward Expansion of Islam: In the early eighth century, Islam became popular in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent. …” Glencoe/McGraw Hill, New York.
“Became popular” sounds more like a description of a new dance than what happened to the Hindus of India. Tens of millions of Hindus were slaughtered during the many jihad campaigns launched against it. Early next year Act for America will mail an Executive Summary to every state and local school board member in America-over 70,000 people. They will then post the Executive Summary and the full report online for downloading, and will send out national emails with talking points on how to approach your local school board about the findings in this report.
Feds Cut Funding over Bible Reading
Godfather Politics reports: Two Colorado Women’s shelters lost government funding for their successful substance abuse programs because part of the process of turning the lives around of these women was reading the Bible. In addition to dealing with substance abuse problems, the shelters “provide transitional housing for the homeless and those struggling with addiction.” Read more.


I once tried working in a deli, but any way you slice it, I couldn’t cut the mustard.