This issue looks at anti-Semitic intimidation at the U. of Michigan, the new Muslim Brotherhood political party, another massacre of Christians in Nigeria, and more.

Staring Down the Devil at the University of Michigan
A first-hand account of how one of America’s elite schools became theflag palestinian latest flash point of anti-Israel activism and anti-Semitic intimidation. reports: When I first set foot on the University of Michigan campus four years ago, I felt like I was prepared for anything… What I was not prepared for was a campus community polarized and paralyzed by a global political issue that had little to do with life at Ann Arbor. I was not prepared to be told that, if I cared about human rights, I could not support Israel. I was not prepared to be told that my community was racist. I was not prepared to see my fellow students attacked with anti-Semitic slurs. And I was most definitely not prepared to be told that “anyone wearing the Israeli army uniform is a Ku Klux Klansman who does not deserve any place at any table in polite society because they are racist killers trying to break the back of Palestine, and they have succeeded.” Read more.

News from The Israel Project
A suspected terrorist attack on an Israeli family driving in the West Bank – assailants riddled the family’s car with bullets as it was en route to Passover dinner on Monday –  has reportedly claimed the life of one man, left his wife and child injured, and thrown into doubt efforts to put Israeli-Palestinian peace talks back on track.

Gaza-based Palestinian groups on Tuesday celebrated the West Bank terror attack that the day before had killed one Israeli and injured two more, while other Palestinian organizations – including the internationally-backed Fatah faction that controls the Palestinian Authority (PA) – generated controversy by pointedly declining to condemn the atrocity.

Reuters reported on Friday that Iranian oil exports “have surged to theirMIddle East Oil highest in 20 months” – far above the “sanctions cap” outlined by the interim Joint Plan of Action (JPA) that granted financial relief to the Islamic Republic – per revised estimates for February global crude imports published by the International Energy Agency (IEA).

English-language Palestinian media reported on Thursday that, “thanksunesco to support from Arab and Islamic groups,” the Executive Board of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) had voted to dispatch an expert mission to Jerusalem, the latest in a serious of anti-Israel diplomatic moves that the UN body has launched since the Palestinians joined it in 2011.


Good News! Chinese Government Thinks Christianity Is Growing Too Fast reports:The Chinese government is officiallyChina Church denying that they were ever trying to demolish a large church building. However, in the process of denying they would ever do such an evil deed, people in government made some interesting comments about church growth. According to the Telegraph:
In a recent speech the provincial official in charge of religious affairs hinted at Communist Party discomfort at how fast congregations were growing in what is already considered China’s most Christian region. More than one million of Wenzhou’s nine million residents are thought to be practicing Protestants, according to some estimates. Read more.

Muslim Brotherhood Forming a Political Party Here in America reports: With the huge influx of Muslims into theuscomo United States and their vow to take over the nation, it should be no surprise to learn that the Muslim Brotherhood here in the US is forming its own political party.  They plan to be an important factor in the 2016 elections. The new organization known as the US Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) doesn’t sound like a typical political party but it will function as one.  Read more.

Islamists are Rising in America while we Sleep reports: We are indeed witnessing the rise of Islamists in America. How has it come to this, that such a small minority has gained such a powerful political voice and influence? How is it that an organization like the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is even allowed to exist in our Republic? Read more.

Islamic Extremists in Nigeria Slaughter 200 Christians Boko Haram reports: The Islamist terrorist organization Boko Haram has struck again. We first introduced you to Boko Haram back in October when they slaughtered 40 young men at a Nigerian college in an attack that took place in the middle of the night. Boko Haram’s evil misdeeds have become common news as Islamic militants become more and more aggressive on the world stage. Read more.

Is Bundy Ranch Standoff a Warm-up?Bundy Ranch reports: The rancher-federal agent standoff that has been threatening to boil over in Clark County, Nevada, this week has transformed almost overnight from a ludicrous overreach by a government bureaucracy hiding behind an endangered tortoise to the probable result of a multibillion-dollar solar power project traceable to none other than Majority Leader Sen. Harry Reid. Read more.


How do you decide who to marry? (written by kids)

You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming.
— Alan, age 10

No person really decides before they grow up who they’re going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you’re stuck with.
— Kristen, age 10