This issue looks at a disappointing denial of Israel’s claim to the land, Israel’s new spin on the Palestinian refugee issue, yet another attempt to bring Israel and the PA back to the table, a unique Easter presentation from Lebanon, Obama’s latest refusal to get tough with terrorists, the FBI’s latest bending to Muslim “sensibilities,” and a frightening wake-up video.

Evangelicals Deny Israel’s Claim to the Land
Jerusalem Prayer Team reports: Six hundred people gathered in Bethlehem from March 5-9 to protest the nation of Israel having a wall of protection. Professing evangelicals who traveled from America demonstrated against what they call the “injustice of occupation” and against Christian Zionism. Some of the speakers were Tony Campolo, a spiritual advisor to Bill Clinton and Barack Obama; Lynn Hybels whose husband, Bill, pastors Willow Creek Community Church, one of the largest evangelical churches in the world; Joel Hunter; John Ortberg; and as shameful as it is, Professor Gary M. Burge and many students from Wheaton College, an evangelical school.

Their manifesto declares, “Racial ethnicity alone does not guarantee the benefits of the Abrahamic covenant. In essence, this means the Jews have no biblical place in the land simply because they are the seed of Abraham.” It goes on to say, “Any exclusive claim to the land of the Bible in the name of God is not in line with the teachings of the Scripture.” This is the same demonic replacement theology which was used during the time of Hitler to unite the Church behind him, rejecting the rights of the Jews and declaring the Church was Israel. These theologians demonized Israel and supported the Palestinian intifada.

Israel Puts New Spin on Palestinian Refugee Issue
The Israel Project reports: Could a resolution to compensate Jewish refugees now in Israel finally be afoot? An Israeli report on the 850,000 Jewish refugees and their descendants

Jewish refugee camp in 1950 in what is now part of Tel Aviv

forcibly deported from Arab and Muslim countries in the late 1940s and early 1950s recommends that Jews be compensated and that Palestinians solve their refugee issue as Israel did: by having the refugees become citizens of the countries in which they reside. “The Palestinian refugees will be rehabilitated in their place of residence just as the Jewish refugees were rehabilitated in theirs – Israel,” according to the new study. “There should be an immediate discontinuation of the perpetuation of the Palestinian refugee issue.” Read more.

Israel and PA Write about Talking
The Israel Project reports: Washington, April 4 – Palestinian Authority (PA) Prime Minister Salam Fayyad and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are scheduled to meet in Jerusalem next week and exchange letters urging each other to return to the negotiating table. But while Israel is expected to call for the Palestinians to resume talks without preconditions, the Palestinians will insist that Israel first stop building in Jerusalem and the West Bank and agree to negotiate based on the 1967 armistice lines. “When Israel accepts these two obligations, we will be ready to return to the negotiations,” PA President Mahmoud Abbas said Tuesday. Read more.


Happy Easter!
Click here to view an Easter flash mob performance of the song “Jesus is Risen” at a mall

The Empty Garden Tomb

in Beirut, Lebanon. This popular video clip, aired by SAT-7, has the most hits on the SAT-7 ARABIC channel on YouTube.

Obama Administration Won’t Prosecute Saudi It Claims Threatened to ‘Blow Up White House’ reports: The Obama administration says it will not prosecute a Saudi Arabian national who the administration claimed in congressional testimony entered the United States on a student visa and then was arrested after threatening to blow up the White House. On March 6, top officials from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) told the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security in both written and verbal testimony that DHS had arrested a Saudi national who was “threatening to blow up the White House and the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission to the United States.” Read more.

FBI Removes 876 Pages of Training Material on Jihad for Being Inaccurate or Offensive to Muslims
Jihad Watch reports: The Obama Administration continues its war against the truth about Islam and jihad. If any of this material was really inaccurate, then certainly it should have been removed. One wonders, however, who was judging its accuracy — was it Muslim Brotherhood-linked operatives intent on whitewashing uncomfortable truths about Islam? Or was it an informed and patriotic analyst? And removing material deemed “offensive to Muslims” is unconscionable, especially since Islamic supremacist anti-freedom groups such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations find offensive any and all anti-terror material that is accurate at all about the source of the jihad threat. Read more.

How Long Will the World Allow This to Continue?
Act for America reports: This video should be a chilling wake-up call for anyone who isn’t aware or doesn’t believe that radical Islam is gradually undermining the West with its goal of replacing Western laws with Sharia. Watch video.


Noteworthy Sign in a Gynecologist’s Office:
Dr. Jones, at your cervix