Arabic Mandated in New York School
An upper Manhattan public elementary school has recently decided that Arabic will be taught, not as an elective, but as a mandatory subject for all students. One reason Principal Nicky Kram Rosen selected Arabic over Spanish or French was that, in his mind, the move would help the school obtain a prestigious International Baccalaureate (IB) standing. All two hundred 2nd through 5th graders at PS 368 in Hamilton Heights will take courses in Arabic twice a week, the same amount of time allotted to science and music courses. (Why is science taught only twice a week?) Many locals who are familiar with school politics in the area believe there’s a good chance that Arabic will soon be mandated in other schools as well.

When I first read about this, the word “International” jumped off the page. These days, you can bet that few, if any, international “educational” organizations will be promoting what’s best for America. A little research into the International Baccalaureate program confirmed my suspicions. It appears that the entire program is dedicated to indoctrinating students into Islam through a mandated study of Arabic. Then there’s the Global Language Project, another international educational group that seems to be joined at the hip with the IB program. According to its CEO, Angela Jackson, “Arabic has been identified as a critical-need language,” citing students’ future “career trajectories.”

Are you kidding me? A critical need for what? What careers could she possibly be referring to? How many Americans do you know who have chosen to go to school in an Arabic-speaking country? The last time I checked, Arabic-speaking students come to America to get educated, not the other way around. And what do they do with what they have learned? Many use their newly acquired knowledge to bring down the very nation that educated them.

This whole mandatory Arabic language in an American school is pathetic on so many levels. Are our public education leaders so blind that they can’t see what’s going on? Did they fail to do their homework or don’t they care? This has nothing to do with “educational broadening.” It’s all about the willing Islamization of America, and it’s happening at an alarming rate. It’s no wonder so many families have chosen to home school their children. If you live near Dusseldorf, Nordrhein-westfalen, pay close attention to what the local school boards have planned for your students.


Dyslexics have more nuf.