Peace in Israel – what will work and what won’t


With President Trump’s recent Israeli Embassy announcement has come a new round of debates on the peace process between Israelis and Palestinians. This deserves a look back to see the results of past efforts.

The infamous Oslo Accords of 1993 pretty much tells the story. This “agreement” not only failed to bring peace of any kind, but resulted in even greater Palestinian determination to eliminate the Jewish state. As Palestinian rage intensified, more Israelis were murdered in the five years post-Oslo than in the previous fifteen years.  Internationally, things took a similar turn with new anti-Zionist efforts such as the UN World Conference against Racism in Durban and the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction (BDS) movement.

The UN World Conference against Racism in Durban marked the coming out of leftist anti-Zionism.

The Oslo exercise showed the futility of Israeli concessions to Palestinians when the latter fail to live up to their obligations. This should have come as no surprise to anyone who understand how Muslims view “agreements” with their enemies. The truth was exposed when Yasser Arafat had just finished speaking at a Johannesburg mosque a month after the Oslo signing. Forgetting that his mic was still on, he was recorded boasting that the Accords were merely a way to facilitate his jihad against Israel. He provided a great example of a hudna, a truce meant to produce a period of calm with an enemy in order to gain concessions, regroup, rearm, and reattack at an appropriate time.

Once Israel bought into the lie and signed the agreement, the situation became much worse. The “peace process” has become a circus, complete with acts of illusion, clowns, wild beasts and dangerous feats.


Given this historical background, what are Israel’s options?

  1. Continue on the same course, hoping for different results. (doomed)
  2. Rely on “world powers” to bring a solution. (doomed)
  3. Win the support of the Palestinian people and hope they will have a positive influence on their leaders. (possible but doubtful)
  4. Wait for an attack from Hamas via rockets or a terror tunnel and retaliate with such force that the enemy is completely defeated. (peace through victory-the most realistic option so far, but with serious repercussions likely to come from Iran, Syria, and other hostile powers)
  5. Israel repents and entrusts its security to God (not going to happen)
  6. Christians pray on Israel’s behalf. (best option)

While true peace will not come until the Prince of Peace comes, we are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem as commanded in Psalm 122:6:

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem;
May they prosper who love you

Considering the volatility in Jerusalem these days, the need for our prayers is great. God wants to bless those who love what He loves, and Jerusalem means more to God than we can comprehend. We must let the Spirit guide us as we pray God’s will for Israel’s eternal capital into existence. Let us not grow weary in doing well for the apple of God’s eye.



The most frustrating knight at King Arthur’s round table was Sir Cuitous. He could never get to the point.


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