This issue looks at the Iranian presence in Syria, a narrowly defeated divestment motion against Israel, an update on Pastor Youcef, Khamenei’s end times vision, Islam’s goal of eradicating Christianity, and the UN attempt to control the world’s children with disabilities.

Iranian Revolutionary Guard Now in Syria
Jerusalem Prayer Team reports: Iranian Revolutionary Guard “volunteers” from the Quds Force have poured over the border to do their bloody work to help prop up the Assad dictatorship. Esmail Ghani, Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps deputy commander, recently confirmed the presence of Iranian troops in Syria. They are believed to be behind some of the most brutal war crimes as towns suspected of being disloyal to the regime have been wiped out. But Syria is not their ultimate aim. Quds is the Arabic word for Jerusalem. Why does Iran have an elite military unit named for the Holy City? Because its goal is to capture Jerusalem and make it the center of world Islamic rule. Now thousands of these fanatical Islamic soldiers are next door to Israel…and you and I both know why they are there.

U.S. Presbyterians Narrowly Reject Anti-Israel Motion
The Israel Project reports: U.S. Presbyterians have narrowly voted down a resolution to disinvest from three U.S. corporations on the grounds that they “profited from Palestinian suffering.” The decision follows a similar vote by Methodists who rejected disinvestment in May. The proposal before the Presbyterian Church (USA) offended many Jewish group who said it singled out Israel for special criticism and was both unbalanced and historically insensitive. Even the left-wing Americans for Peace Now opposed the resolution. “Divestment campaigns such as this therefore raise very real and understandable worries about global anti-Semitism and the perception that the campaigns are not truly (or only) about Israeli policies but rather reflect a deep-seated hatred for and rejection of Israel,” the group said in a statement ahead of the vote. The three companies in the spotlight were Caterpillar Inc., Hewlett-Packard Co. and Motorola. The final vote taken late Thursday was 333-331 with two abstentions. Supporters of the resolution said they might bring it for a re-vote on Friday before the assembly ended. Read more.


Update on Youcef Nadarkhani
Prisoner Alert reports: Two reports came out last week: On July 4, Youcef was told he would face new charges at a trial in September. A second report said after a Russian Orthodox Church patriarch wrote a letter to the Supreme Leader on Nadarkhani’s behalf, he received a reply saying the death sentence against the Iranian pastor would be dropped. It seems that Youcef will face a new trial in September for new charges: crimes against national security. Lord willing, this also means the charges of apostasy have been dropped, and Youcef will not face the death penalty. Continue to keep him and his family in your prayers. Pray for his immediate release and that the Lord’s light shines through Youcef wherever he is.

Khamenei Says Iran Must Prep for the “End Times”
Joel Rosenberg reports: My friend Reza Kahlili published a fascinating and sobering article this week and I commend it to your attention. Reza used to be an officer in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. Then he became a double agent for the CIA. Now he is an American citizen who is using his contacts and sources in Iran to gather information to expose the evil regime in Tehran and bring them down before they acquire nuclear weapons and try to usher in the reign of the Twelfth Imam. Here’s one excerpt:

“The issue of Imam Mahdi is of utmost importance, and his reappearance has been clearly stated in our holy religion of Islam,” Khamenei said. “We must study and remind ourselves of the end of times and Imam Mahdi’s era. … We must prepare the environment for the coming so that the great leader will come.” Read more.

Islam (Religion of Peace) Wants to Wipe Christianity from Face of the Earth
Godfather Politics reports: If you had any doubt about the ultimate goal of Islam, I pray this lays those doubts to rest. According to a leading Muslim cleric, their goal is to wipe Christianity off the face of the earth. The Global Islamic Civilization: The Power of a Nation Revived is a 23 page declaration recently produced by Sheik Farook al-Mohammedi of the United Muslim Nations International. The booklet spells out their goal to Islamize western civilization and set up the Islamic Caliphate as the global religion and government. Al-Mohammedi states in his booklet and other statements:

“Christianity should be destroyed and wiped from the face of the earth. It is an evil demonic and Anti-Christ system, all Christians are in complete Ignorance.” Read more.

Want to see the true nature of Islam in 60 seconds? Watch this brief but sickening video.

UN to Control Children with Disabilities?
David Zauber reports: Who should make critical decisions regarding the care and raising of children who have disabilities, their parents or United Nations social workers? That is the question as the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations holds a hearing on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Thursday, July 12. This treaty, if ratified by the U.S. Senate, would turn the parent-child relationship on its head by establishing a dangerous new legal standard for dealing with children with disabilities: the best interests of the child standard. The CRPD states: “In all actions concerning children with disabilities, the best interests of the child shall be a primary consideration.” This simple sentence means that any decision a parent makes regarding the care, education, or upbringing of a child who has any disability could be subject to review by a social worker, court, or even a United Nation’s official. Please call your two U.S. senators and urge them to oppose this dangerous United Nations power-grab. The Capitol Switchboard phone number is 202-224-3121.


My short-term memory isn’t as good as it used to be. Also, my short-term memory isn’t as good as it used to be.