This issue examines the reasons for the increasing violence against Israelis, the effects of Muslim refugee immigration, Obama’s war against Christians, and more.
Israeli father of 7 run over and killed near Hebron after stoning attack reports: An Israeli civilian was killed on Tuesday after he was hit by a truck as he inspected the damage to his own car caused when he was pelted with rocks by Palestinians near the West Bank city of Hebron. Read more.
Obama Continues to Blame the Victims as Terrorists Pummel Israel
IDF arrests senior Hamas figure Hassan Yousef in West Bank
Hamas making efforts to carry out suicide attacks against Israel, officials say reports: Israeli officials on Monday said they’ve learned that the senior Hamas leadership in the Gaza Strip has instructed its operatives in the West Bank to carry out suicide attacks against Jewish targets, a number of media outlets reported on Monday. Read more.
News from The Jerusalem Prayer Team
A senior Hamas leader, yesterday, called for the Palestinians to stop stabbing Israelis. No, he wasn’t speaking out for peace…he wants them to start shooting instead. Apparently for him, killing and wounding dozens of Jewish people isn’t enough-he wants the deaths to rise, and he is calling his followers to take to the streets with their guns and increase the massacre.
Muslim Children Told How to ‘Stab a Jew’ During ‘School Lessons’ reports: When you put your children on the school bus tomorrow, imagine them sitting in class, right after lunch and instead of English class, they are being taught how to murder another. Sounds crazy, right? The truth is, Palestinian teachers are doing just that! Read more.
Contrary to Obama’s description of the upsurge in attacks against Israelis as “random acts of violence,” Mike Evans (Jerusalem Prayer Team) points out what’s really going on: Not long ago, Iran’s leader Ayatollah Khamanei published a book laying out his vision for the destruction of Israel. In that book, he declared that a war would not be necessary to wipe out the Jewish state. Instead, he proposed a mounting campaign of terror attacks that would make it impossible for Jewish people to live in peace and safety, and make them want to leave.
Israel Sees Rare Victory at UN after Palestinians Drop Bid to Claim Western Wall a Muslim Holy Site
Town of 1,600 Drowns in Muslim Migrant Excrement and Garbage reports: Commuters of the 87 kilometers near Vienna Neustadt report, that in the until recently of hundreds of immigrants occupied Arena ‘Nova’, there also was an unusually massive burden and exposure of fecal matter, because these guests from foreign countries “went potty everywhere”. The supplied porta-potties were left “completely filthy” and unusable. Read more.
Jihad! “Peaceful” Islam is on the Move reports: Hateful grafitti in the name of Allah is beginning to appear in European cities. This is not happening in Iraq or another place in the Middle East. This is happening in Gothenburg, Sweden, where violent messages were painted on a restaurant. Read more.
Grand Ayatollah: Abducting Women and Destroying Christian Churches – ‘This is Islam!!!’ reports: In a recent interview, Grand Ayatollah Ahmad Husseini Al-Baghdadi is quoted as saying “But if they still refuse-then we fight them, and we abduct their women, and destroy their churches-this is Islam! Come on, learn what Islam is, are you even a Muslim?!” Read more.
Obama: Christians Threaten Nation
Brian Fischer (American Family Radio) reports: If you have ever wondered whether President Obama has an abiding hostility to people of Christian faith, wonder no more. He believes we are a threat to national security. If you are a sincerely devoted follower of Jesus Christ, your president believes you are a potential domestic terrorist. I do not exaggerate. In a gathering at George Washington University this week, Obama’s assistant attorney general for national security, John Carlin, revealed that the Department of Justice is creating a brand new position just to monitor us. Read more.
ISIS Gang Loots German Churches to Fund Caliphate reports: A gang of eight men were arrested in the city of Cologne. From 2011-2014 they are alleged to have stolen €19,000-worth of goods. Prosecutors alleged they stole collection boxes, crosses and objects “dedicated to church services and religious veneration.” From schools they allegedly stole laptops and money. Read more.
In Tennessee Muslims use Alinsky Tactics to Stop Parents from Outlawing Islamic Indoctrination in Public Schools! reports: It seems that the Muslims are using the same Alinsky tactics of the sodomites and the communists as they attack parents, representatives and the Tennessee public school board following a bill passed by the Tennessee legislature that would put an end to the indoctrination of the religion of pieces in public schools. Read more.
Hillary: Nationwide Gun Ban, Repeal of Second Amendment Worth Considering
Tired of hearing about Benghazi? Check this out and you might change your mind.
16 States Now Looking to Ban Sharia Law
Flabbergasted, adj: Appalled by discovering how much weight one has gained.
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