Trading our limited resources for God’s unlimited resources is always a good idea.


The Bible speaks a lot about money and for good reason. The role it plays in our lives says a lot about ourMoney priorities, but mostly about our faith. Money can be used to expand the Kingdom of God, but it can also lead to our ruin. Consequently, God uses money in strategic ways to accomplish His purposes.


signpost with fog and a pathway

signpost with fog and a pathway

One of His favorites is to stretch our faith. We need money to survive, but God wants us to understand that He controls it all. In Matthew 6:33 He promises to take care of our needs if we will desire Him more that the money He provides. He wants us to trust Him completely to provide not only for our needs, but for what He desires to accomplish through us. Church budgets are a good example, although the same principles apply to our families. Too many churches set their budgets according to what they think they can do with what they have or what they think they can raise. They set their own goals based on their perceived abilities.


It’s no wonder so many churches become under-achievers. They have made two basic mistakes. The firstfruit that remains is to leave God completely out of the goal-setting process. Instead of asking God what He wants to accomplish, a committee of church leaders or, in some cases, the pastor determines the path the church will take. Once that mistake is well in place, the second is inevitable. The scope of the church’s goal will be determined by the church’s resources. God’s will and resources are bypassed, resulting usually in a mediocre effort that produces no lasting fruit.

God has established Christ as both Head of the Church and Head of each of the churches. He should be setting the agenda for which He will provide the necessary resources, which usually far exceed what’s in the church’s bank account. The church’s responsibility is to:


  1. Seek Christ’s guidance for the church’s direction through fervent prayer
  2. Trust Christ to provide the necessary funds etc. for His plans
  3. Continue praying and watch for His answers. Pray Scripture back to God as you affirm His Word—verses like:

I am the VineI am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in Him, he will bear much fruit; Apart from Me you can do nothing (John 15:5).

Verses like this one remind us of our complete dependence on Him. When we realize how hopeless we are on our own, we allow God to do something far beyond anything we could think or ask. We allow Him to do something only He can do, and when He does it, people will notice. He will receive the glory He deserves and we will rejoice that God has used us in ways we never imagined.



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